OIFN Event Endorsement Guidelines

Click here for a downloadable PDF copy of OIFN’s Event Endorsement Guidelines.

Events that are not directly organized/hosted by the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network (OIFN) and are related to the values and principles of Independent Facilitation are able to seek endorsement from OIFN.

 What does it mean if an event is “endorsed by OIFN”?

OIFN endorsed events offer learning and training about the principles and practice of Independent Facilitation.  These events have been reviewed by OIFN leadership and seem to align with OIFN’s:

What are the benefits of OIFN endorsement?

OIFN is able to offer promotion for endorsed events, sharing with our broad network of contacts.

Endorsed events will be:

Events that are endorsed by OIFN will include the OIFN logo on promotional materials and indicate that “this event is endorsed by the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network.”

Does OIFN offer funds to cover event costs or subsidize registrations?

Because OIFN is primarily run by volunteers and does not have any ongoing funding, we cannot offer financial support for training opportunities.

How can I request OIFN endorsement for an event?

If you are interested in OIFN endorsement for an event, please fill out the the OIFN Event Endorsement Request Form at least 30 days before the scheduled event.

OIFN will review all requests and respond by email within 10 days.

Reporting Back to OIFN

In order to better understand our engagement and grow the OIFN Community of Practice, OIFN would greatly appreciate feedback from your event, including:

  • Total number of event participants
  • Breakdown of participants by role (i.e. self-advocates, family members, independent facilitators, etc.)
  • Breakdown of participants by location

As we continue to grow the OIFN Community of Practice, we would also ask that you promote OIFN at your event and share ways for participants to connect with us.