Things to Consider When Choosing a Facilitator

When choosing an independent facilitator, it is important to find someone who will be a good fit for you, your family members, and/or your loved ones. You may want to think about:

  • What interview questions would be helpful to ask?
  • What do you expect from your facilitator? Do your expectations match OIFN’s beliefs about the practice?
  • What sort of contract or agreement will you outline?

The following OIFN resources may be of assistance, when deciding if a facilitator is aligned with the values and beliefs and seems like a good fit for you, your family, and/or your loved ones:

Independent Facilitation Funding

Funding for Independent Facilitation was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS) from 2015-2019 through the Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project, benefiting 1100 people.

Currently, adults living with disabilities who receive Passport funding may spend up to $2,500 each year for Independent Facilitation.

Although limited Passport funds can be used to purchase Independent Facilitation, OIFN believes that infrastructure funding (ongoing funding for organizations that support Independent Facilitation) is critical to ensure that Independent Facilitation is successful in supporting people, along with their family members and/or loved ones, to create change and build rich, meaningful lives. See OIFN’s Brief on Fee for Service for OIFN’s policy statement and background information on the need for stable funding, so that Independent Facilitation is sustainable, available, and accessible for people and families who are looking for this support.

Information about demand and requests for supports is important for the Ministry to know. If you are or your family member/loved one is 18 years of age or older and accessing supports and services through the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS), we encourage you to contact Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) in your region to let them know that you are requesting Independent Facilitation and that this support is important to you.