The Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project…learning so far

“Weaving a Story of Change” captures what we have learned so far from the Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP). The IFDP has been a collaboration between the Ministry of Community and Social Services, OIFN, and 7 Independent Facilitation Organizations. The IFDP was created with three objectives:

  • increase the number of people who are receiving independent facilitation
  • evaluate its impact in the lives of people who choose it
  • build the capacity of independent facilitation organizations

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The Introduction frames the challenge that is created when people with developmental disabilities and their families, want to direct their own lives, and individualize their support. This calls for innovation, new ways of offering support. Independent Facilitation is one innovation, and there are more needed.

View the Introduction

You can read the Introduction here.

Part A: change, innovation, and the independent facilitation demonstration project, looks at the history of the changes in the way we see and support people with developmental disabilities. We explore the need for innovation at this time when many people are wanting to have control over their lives, and supports that are individualized to meet their specific vision and needs.

Part B: what people say they want and need captures what we heard from people and families around the province who do not have access to Independent Facilitation. We listened to their visions of “ordinary” life — a place called home; friends, family, and love; work and earning money; belonging in the community; and making a difference. We heard about the struggles with how things are now, and explored how Independent Facilitation is a support that meets them where they are now, and assists them in moving toward their vision.

View Part B: what people say they need and want

You can view Part B here.

Part C: what is independent facilitation, and who can benefit explains what Independent Facilitation is through stories and theory. It clarifies the role as facilitating (making it easier) for people to direct their lives, individualize their support, and seek the community as the first place to look for connection and support. To do this Facilitators focus on five areas of work: relationships; personal support networks; community discovery and connection; information, knowledge, and resources; and planning.

In Part D: the challenges of getting started we uncover some of the challenges of starting a new idea, Independent Facilitation, in places that have limited resources, where people have never seen what it can offer, or people have become discouraged by projects that started and then stopped. We identify the need for a network of relationships with allies, an “eco-system” that creates conditions that make it possible for Independent Facilitation to grow and thrive, so that people can find their place in the community.

View Part D: the challenges of getting started

You can view Part D here.

In Part E: looking forward we look again at the challenges that the Developmental Service system faces: limited financial resources available; a large number of people not currently served by the traditional group program models; increasing number of people receiving Passport funding to develop and direct their own supports. There is a need to move past competition, and “scarcity, toward collaboration in a “common cause”. We need innovation from many to discover ways that more people can be supported to direct their own lives and find their place in community as citizen, as a contributing member who belongs. Independent Facilitation is just one element, there is so much more needed.

View Part E: looking forward

You can view Part E here.