Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project

The Ontario Independent Facilitation Network (OIFN) has received two years of funding for the Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP) through the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS). The project is intended to expand the capacity of independent facilitation for people with developmental disabilities across the province and study the benefits of independent facilitation.

To learn more click here.


Make Your Voice Heard

Make Your Voice Heard on an issue important to all Canadians!

Please consider taking the time to inform and influence this issue by responding to the survey.

We have only days left to be heard on this significant issue.


Participate in the Online Federal Government Consultation on Physician Assisted Suicide

Deadline is November 1st, 2015


The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Canadians should have access to physician assisted suicide. The Federal government struck a panel of experts to provide it with recommendations on the process for enabling access to assisted suicide and ensuring adequate safeguards are put in place. CACL is concerned that the system fully safeguard vulnerable persons, including those with intellectual disabilities. To share your views on this important issue, please fill in the online Federal Survey by November 1st.  We encourage everyone to participate.

Click here for information on the Panel

Click here for the Survey


For more information, you can read the position on Protecting Choice and Safeguarding Inclusion, issued by the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) and People First of Canada, which is endorsed by a growing number of Canadian organizations.


Judith Snow: October 29, 1949 – May 31, 2015

Judith Snow: October 29, 1949 – May 31, 2015


Judith’s family and loved ones want to honour her life at her funeral that will be held

Saturday, June 6 from 1:30 pm to about 3:30pm

at Metropolitan United Church

56 Queen Street East

Toronto, ON  M5C 2Z3


*Please plan to arrive about 1:00 pm, there will be music outside the church and procession into the church @1:20pm, so that the service may begin at 1:30.

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